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School Council and Pupil Voice

School Council and Pupil Voice

School Council and Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice is an important and valued aspect of life at Boughton-under-Blean & Dunkirk School. The thoughts and opinions of the children are frequently sought and used to help with decision-making processes including staff recruitment, purchasing of new equipment and school improvement.

Every year two children from each class are chosen through School Council elections to be the ‘voice’ of their class. The elected ‘reps’ attend regular meetings and lead class council sessions to discuss any issues arising.

Three times a year a ‘Pupil Voice’ letter is sent out to the parents with photos and comments from the children about their learning highlights from that term.

Some examples of how the children have contributed through Pupil Voice include:

  • playground improvements and suggestions for new equipment
  • class fundraising activities
  • deciding and organising whole school charity events
  • curriculum surveys
  • developing key school policies e.g. child speak anti-bullying policy
  • making bids to the school PTFA for funding to purchase items chosen by the children for the library, playground and classrooms
  • suggesting ideas for new clubs, lunchtime and well-being activities
  • monitoring and leading aspects of Collective Worship
  • activities being led by ‘Digital Leaders’ during Safer Internet Day
  • activities planned and led by Anti-Bullying Ambassadors (ABAs) as part of Anti-bullying Week




Boughton–under–Blean & Dunkirk Primary School is committed to the principles and procedures of safeguarding pupils.

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